Train destinations from Kilbarrack in 8h

IrelandIndulge in traditional Irish pubs, be amazed by the historic Trinity College, and feel the pulsating vibe of Temple Bar.
< 1 hr

Ireland< 1 hr

Dún Laoghaire
Ireland< 1 hr

Ireland< 2 hr

United Kingdom< 2 hr
Here are a few suggestions for your next trip from Kilbarrack
In 2 hours, you can reach Dublin, Bray, Dún Laoghaire, Drogheda, Dundalk.
In 3 hours, you can reach Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford, Belfast.
In 4 hours, you can reach Ennis.
In 7 hours, you can reach Liverpool, Manchester.
In 8 hours, you can reach London, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Leicester, Bradford, Coventry.